首页 - 罗伯茨大学的多样性 - 多样性委员会



多样性 & 公平委员会

  • 目的:  To provide a unified space for the primary leaders of diversity, 股本, and belonging offices and committees to communicate about their work, 相互支持, and collaborate and partner on diversity, 股本, and belonging activities and initiatives when deemed appropriate or helpful. 这个委员会, 因此, comprises the leaders of the following diversity, 股本, and belonging offices and committees (Special Advisor to the President for 多样性 and Belonging, 多样性和归属感主任, Co-Leader of Coalition for Race and Ethnicity (CORE)*, President of Student Multicultural Advisory Council (SMAC), Chair of 学术多元化委员会, Faculty Ambassadors of 多样性 and 股本 (FADE), 国际事务总监). Given the heavy academic focus of this work, the Chief Academic Officer/Assistant Chief Academic Officer** will also serve on the Council and co-chair it with the Special Advisor to the President for 多样性 and Belonging. 最终, this Council would prevent diversity, 股本, and belonging leaders and partners of this work at Roberts from working in silos and will help enable diversity, 股本, and belonging work to be decentralized in a system that functions and communicates well. At least one of the meetings per semester will entail representatives from supporting committees (EEO Review, 第九章校园, 艾达, 等.) being invited to attend the meeting to give a report and provide any updates/input they may have in the realm of diversity, 股本, 以及归属问题或努力.

  • 会议: 2 - 3 /学期

  • 共同主持:  Special Advisor to the President for 多样性 and Belonging & Chief Academic Officer/Assistant Chief Academic Officer **

  • Council makes recommendations to: Chief Academic Officer and VP for Student and Organizational Development.


  • 目的: 这个委员会发展, 倡导, and monitors the accomplishment of academic policies and 经历 designed to enhance awareness and appreciation for human diversity within and beyond the College. 通过政策制定, professional development opportunities, and curricular and co-curricular activity, the committee seeks to (1) create a campuswide academic community in which all students, 工作人员, 教职员工也被接受, 有价值的, and treated equitably and (2) foster academic 经历 within the College community that prepare graduates for life in a diverse, multicultural community beyond the College.

  • 会议: 每月

  • 共同主持: a Dean and a 教师 member, elected by the committee to serve as Co-Chairs


  • 目的: The 员工多元化委员会 exists to advocate and support diversity among the 工作人员.  在多样性的支持下 & 公平委员会, the Committee will advise and recommend policies and practices that align with the College’s strategic initiatives. The Committee will also encourage opportunities for 工作人员 to grow in their own understanding of diversity and to work toward a consistent environment of inclusion.

  • 会议: 每月

  • 椅子: 多元化总监 & 股本

艾达 (Americans with Disabilities Act) Committee

  • 目的: To support the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and serve as a champion /escalation/review body for ensuring 艾达 compliance. Members of this committee are responsible for the implementation of 艾达 compliance within their areas of responsibility.

  • 会议: 两次/学期或更多

  • 椅子: 人力资源总监


  • 目的: To promote a national and international dimension in the College’s mission of scholarship, 精神的形成, 并通过留学服务, 任务之旅, 国际学生服务.

  • 会议: 每月开一次会

  • 椅子: 国际事务总监


  • 目的: The Purpose of the MAB is to help the College seek to reflect the richness of human diversity within its students, 工作人员, 教师, 政府, and Board of Trustees as a manifestation of its Christian heritage; foster communication and networking among multicultural students, 校友, 教师/工作人员 and friends; and act as a key advisor to the College on policies and procedures that will positively impact the multicultural experience at Roberts Wesleyan College. The Board is composed of dedicated 校友 and supporters who are passionate about the College and invested in its future by promoting unity, 庆祝多样性, and advocating for the multicultural community.

  • 会议: Currently under reconstruction

  • 主席:TBD

Collaborative for Race and Ethnicity (CORE)

  • 目的: The Collaborative for Race and Ethnicity (CORE) is guided by the core belief of Imago Dei; all people are created in the Image of God and should be 有价值的 accordingly. The purpose of this group is to support and empower racially and ethnically underrepresented 教师 and 工作人员 on campus. CORE will advocate for the needs of racially and ethnically underrepresented people in the campus community and beyond and create channels to celebrate the voices, 身份, 经历, 以及这些团体的才能. These efforts will help aid in the flourishing of people and communities.

  • 会议:每学期2次

  • 主席:TBD