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Student Activities

Get Involved

参加课外活动是大学生活中最有意义的方面之一. If you have an interest, but do not see it listed below, 关于在校园创建一个新的学生组织,请随时与学生生活办公室联系.

The organizations below are what's currently offered, 但如果学生们找到了兴趣,他们就有机会组建新的组织.



Beacon Newspaper- 制作学生报纸,为学生提供校园活动和问题的信息和启发.

Class Councils- Represents class and plan activities for the class. Officers are elected positions.

Intramurals- Provides intramurals sports: ultimate Frisbee, flag football, basketball, 手球, 躲避球, and volleyball.

宣传, Promotes student activities on campus.

参议院- 代表学生群体的关切,促进校园的积极变化.

Multi-Ethnic Affairs- 并为校园内的多种族群体提供宣传和指导,努力有效地代表罗伯茨大学的多元化社区.

Social Life- Plans and implements campus-wide social activities.

历史学家 -保存学生活动和学生会的历史, coordinate the Chesbronian Yearbook

Academic and Pre-Professional

Society of Physics Students (SPS)- Advances and diffuses knowledge of physics, 鼓励学生对物理的兴趣,并向专业团体介绍.

Student Education Association (SEA)-促进就教育领域和工作场所教师面临的重要问题进行对话, and plans service projects/fundraisers for local children.

Physical Education 专业 Club – 该组织旨在支持课堂之外的专业和服务活动.

Medical Club-该组织的目的是将有兴趣在医学领域从事职业的学生聚集在一起,并帮助他们实现个人和职业目标.

Music Therapy Club - The purpose of this club is to create inter-relational, 情感, 为对音乐疗法感兴趣的个人提供精神支持,同时在罗伯茨和罗切斯特地区倡导提高音乐疗法的认识.

Nursing Club -将护理学生聚集在一起,为罗伯茨社区和当地社区提供娱乐和服务. 它还将使大一和大二的护理专业学生有机会与大三和大四的护理专业学生建立联系.

Math and Science Club – 一个让数学和科学的学生聚在一起讨论数学和科学问题,并在课堂外建立友谊的地方.

Psychology Club - 心理俱乐部的使命和目的是在探索的同时为校园和更大的社区服务, understanding, and sharing psychological principles in everyday life.

Campus Ministry

Brothers And Sisters In Christ (BASIC)-为学生提供完整的福音,鼓励他们发展基督徒的全部潜能.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)- Promotes and encourages spiritual growth for athletes at Roberts, 同时通过运动员和教练的影响,看到耶稣基督对世界的影响.

中华民国固体 -成立的目的是服侍一小群大学生,并以各种方式认识神, including worship, testimonies, and service projects out in the local community.


I.H.S. (In His Service) Club- Fosters connections among Catholic students on campus. 

Campus 180 –

In Jesus Name 美高梅mgm平台的使命是服事和爱别人,就像基督服事和爱美高梅mgm平台一样, 特别是通过在奇利和罗切斯特的服务项目和外展活动.

Music and Performing Arts

Brass Chamber Music-执行一系列风格,从早期巴洛克到现代音乐. This ensemble rehearses weekly, performs a concert each semester, and typically consists of trumpets, French horn, 长号, 和大号.

合唱团-致力于不同风格的高品质合唱音乐的研究与演奏, musical eras, 语言, and cultures, this is RWC’s premier vocal ensemble. Rehearses four times per week, performs several times each semester, 举办两年一次的国内巡演和四年一次的国际巡演. Auditions are required.


Gospel Choir-让罗伯茨社区接触福音音乐,同时为学生和教师提供另一种崇拜方式. No audition required.

Jazz Combo/Ensemble-每周排练,表演源自美国大乐队传统的作曲和即兴音乐, African American composers, contemporary classical music, 和更多的. Auditions are required for Jazz Ensemble

Men’s Chorus- Performs a capella, southern gospel, quartet styles of music. For men both majoring and not majoring in music.

Opera Performance-提供歌剧艺术的经验,每年都有一部作品. Auditions are required.

RWC Community Orchestra (RWCCO)- Provides a high quality orchestral musical experience. 乐团由大约60名RWU学生和罗切斯特地区音乐家组成, and performs 2-4 concerts each semester. Auditions are required.

String Chamber Music- Includes string players and performs a concert each year. Invite only.

Theatre Minor- Faculty-led aspects of theatrical 生产s including acting, 生产, 后台, 集, and promotion.

Wind Ensemble- Rehearses three times per week, performs 2-4 concerts each semester, 举办两年一次的国内巡演和四年一次的国际巡演. Auditions are required.

Women's Choir- Includes women both majoring and not majoring in music. No audition is required.

Woodwind Quintet- Includes flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, and French horn. Performs a concert each year & is invite only.

Flute Choir -每周排练一次,只试镜(仅限于高级玩家)

Special Interest

然而,特殊利益组织的观点并不一定反映美高梅mgm平台的观点, 美高梅mgm平台支持学生探索各种兴趣和问题.

Global Club-帮助国际学生与美国人建立联系,并提供一个分享跨文化经验的地方.

ICARE Connections-促进各学科学生之间的积极联系,并与BELL(学习之桥)合作, 学习, and Living) program.


Student Multicultural Advisory Council (SMAC)- Breaks barriers and builds bridges by accepting, embracing and celebrating people from all cultures.

SAAC -学生运动员咨询委员会(系内体育俱乐部).

Students For Life- Educates on life issues, helps those in need so that life is a promising choice, and promotes love and respect.

African Student Union (ASU) -认识和庆祝校园里非洲文化的差异

视野 -建立一个支持性社区,提高对LGBTQ+问题和文化的认识和接受度.

Women’s Empowerment Club -将罗伯茨的女性社区聚集在一起,创造一个安全的空间,讨论美高梅mgm平台社会面临的关于女性和性别不平等的当前问题.

Men’s Empowerment Club – to encourage and promote the art of living as a strong, 敬畏神的人在一个世界,阻碍你和工作,以促进和展示敬虔的社区校园.

8 Principles of Student Organizations




Spiritual Formation


Community Inclusion


Leadership Development